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Elaine Tassinari*
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Areas of Expertise
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Contracts

Elaine Tassinari*

Lecturer on Law


LLM, Intellectual Property Law, The George Washington University Law School
JD New England Law | Boston
BA Merrimack College
Biomedicine and Clinical Research Certificate, Boston University School of Medicine

Professional Background

During her studies at The George Washington University Law School, Elaine Tassinari interned for Human Rights USA, an NGO, and received an award for Outstanding Pro Bono Work in the field of Human Rights from GWU Law School.

Ms. Tassinari has been the International Humanitarian Law Lead at the Red Cross of the USA; an Attorney Fellow at Human Rights USA; and OMCT in Geneva, Switzerland, working on International Human Rights Law for gender and refugee rights, corporate social responsibility, and freedom of speech rights under the Alien Tort Claims Act. She also studied international relations at the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Through her own practice, she represented victims under the terrorism exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and the US Marines in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, and assisted in a petition for certiorari for the Supreme Court of the US examining the political question doctrine and treaty interpretation. 

Ms. Tassinari regularly lectures on International Humanitarian Law, moderates panels, lectures for the United Nations Association, and organizes events. She has been an invited Judge and Chief Judge for the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition for 5 years in Washington, D.C.

Ms. Tassinari has years of first chair trial experience as a public defender protecting clients’ civil rights, and runs her own practice assisting corporations in transactions and litigation. She is a subject matter expert in international law and intellectual property law.