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Kristen Schuler Scammon

Instructor of Legal Writing


JD Boston College Law School, BA Colby College

Professional Background

Kristen Schuler Scammon is a Founding Partner of Torres, Scammon, Hincks & Day, LLP, a litigation boutique law firm opened in March of 2012. Scammon practiced in two litigation departments of large law firms, including Mintz in Boston, from 1996-2012. Her practice focused on business litigation and white collar criminal defense. In 2012, she and her partners left Mintz to form their own business litigation firm, where she now continues to focus on business litigation and white collar criminal defense. She notes that leaving 'Big Law' to start her own firm was a risk, but she feels that taking that jump has really allowed her practice to evolve and given her a chance to sharpen her business skills.